
Review of Widlfrire 2

Have you ever faced a problem that some of your contacts cannot sync with google exactly?

Here is my report of how to import all contacts into new moible phone, Wildfire, from old feature phone, Sony Ericson, and achieve synchronizing with google.

When I bought Wildfire, all contacts are stored in feature phone. At first, all data was moved onto SIM card on old phone, and then remove and insert SIM card into Wildfire. I copied all contacts data into Wildfire from SIM card. At the last, I set sync option with google. I believed that I finished all setting.

A few days later, I taught my wife how to use gmail contacts and Wildfire's contacts, but I realized that it was wrong understanding. Only a few contacts were uploaded google account!! The reason was that the contacts which was newly stored directly by Wildfire was identified as "google", while the contacts which was already stored SIM card was identified as "phone." The contacts which is "google" can be sync with google, while "phone" was not. I've tried to change the status from "phone” to "google" in detail settings, but it was impossible. Finally I decided to apply the following way:

1. Backup current data into SD card: "Contacts"->"Menu"->"Import/Export," export into SD card.
2. Delete all data on Wildfire: "Contacts"->"Menu"->"Delete"->"Menu"->"select all"->"Delete"
3. Import contacts of SD card into google: "Contacts"->"Menu"->"Import/Export,"->identify contacts which is exported above, and select into google, but not phone.

As a result, all contacts are successfully synchronized with google.

My wife is very pleased because she can revise contacts information through PC, which is much more easy/comfortable for her to modify it and to be quick.

Review of Wildfire

Wildfire is just wildfire...
The following three applications were installed into wildfire. The disadvantage of wildfire is shown clearly.
Angry Birds: The motion is very slow, while the one of iphone4 is normal. But my wife still can enjoy it a lot. I mean that the motion is acceptance, but it's hard to say fine.
Talking Tom Cat: This application is also famous in iphone. As a result, in this application, there is no big complain. The motion is very smooth.
Skype: I just tried it one time. The voice is delay a lot. It took around 2 seconds. The difference between iphone and Wiidlfire was obvious.

The performance was acceptance and I felt the ability of wildfire is the same as specification note like CPU performance. I have never complained for Wildfire so far because if a user wanna use smart phone without any irritant, there is a lot of options to buy expensive and high performance one.


HTC wildfire was arrived

It took only a half of day to arrive HTC widlfire in my hand. It surprised me that I got it just next day morning. This is good job for PC-home, but also made me irritate a lot, because I wanted to enjoy wildfire, actually Android Smart phone, but I was very busy and difficult to come back home early... Wildfire is bought for my wife, without her I cannot use it at all, because I don't know even her PIN code. As a result, I need to wait a bit to see Wildfire. That's why PC-home delivery is good for wife nut bad for me. haha.

HTC Wildfire (White) NTD 8,900

Since I have started enjoying Wildfire on just last weekend, here let me review especially its basic looking at first.

This "white" model is so cute, and it is better for lady. In addition to its color design, its weight is also attractive, it is only 118g, while my iphone 4 is 137g. I felt this difference is very important, because it must be easy to put into bag or pocket of jacket.

In the other hand, the disadvantage of this smart phone is the size of display. 320 x 480 resolution in 3.2" is too bad for one who has already enjoyed iphone 4 Retina display, 960 x 640 resplution in 3.5" display. The disadvantage is so obvious. However, if user has no experience of iphone 4 or such a beautiful display, this might not be worse point. Actually my wife has no complain about this point.

The other functions are so far no big problem. Wildfire looks good product for beginner of smart phone or one who doesn't need high performance against phone is good, because its price is cheap. At least I believe our decision to buy wildfire for my wife was correct.


Push Notification for Gmail on iphone 4

Today I have ordered HTC wildfire, white, via PC-home for my wife, who are using feature phone of Sony Ericsson, but after over two years has passed, several features hasn't worked well, e.g., Camera, and Battery... I was very surprised that she decided to use smart phone because she is not good at 3C products at all. But this is good chance for not only my wife but also me. Since my phone is iphone4, The chance to study Android phone has come. I don't know Android at all, but I wanna report Android and HTC wildfire as much as possible.

Although I wrote likely that I am familiar with iphone4, actually every day I found out new features in iphone 4. Here I wanna summary one setting which is related to Gmail Push Notification, プッシュ通知,

Is there anyone who is confused this function even if you set it to Push, but actually it doesn't work well. The reason was the setting of server type. As a result, its setting must be Microsoft Exchange Server. Yes, I know gmail is not microsfot, but this was tricky. Anyway, please refer the step below:

1. アカウントの追加->Microsoft Exchange

2. Fill in the information

  •   メール: mail address of gmail
  •   ドメイン: gmail.com
  •   ユーザ名: mail address of gmail
  •   パスワード: password of gmail
3. The column of server is shown up

  •   サーバー: m.google.com
4. Save

After I test it, Push function worked well.I need to check its power consumption, as well. Anyway now I'm very happy and appreciate http://blog.pc-logon.com/?p=2927 !!